Variety of supports and incentives for investors in Turkey:
Ministry of Industry and Technology aims to provide institutions with technological products and R&D work, aiming to achieve a high technology based, productive, environmentally sensitive, external dependency reduction, high added value, safe and sustainable production structure.
For Ministry of Industry and Technology support, click here.
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry has investment programs to support rural development by organizing the agricultural sub-sector and aiming to make the rural area livable and developed.
For Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry supports, click here.
TUBITAK aims to increase the competition power of the country by funding the projects of universities, public institutions and industry in Turkey, supporting academic and industrial research and development studies and innovations.
For TUBITAK (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey) funds, click here.
The Ministry of Commerce has support for the export, investment and services sector, which is to develop and implement policies related to foreign trade and investments in order to contribute to the development of the target country economy and social refinement.
For Ministry of Commerce investment supports, click here.
In line with labor market needs; Turkish Labor Agency’s (İŞKUR) employment incentives for employers are established to facilitate the employment through active programs to increase the employability of the workforce, to protect, to develop and diversify them, and to provide temporary income support for lost jobs.
For İŞKUR (Turkish Labor Agency) supports, click here.
TKDK, which is established in order to contribute to sustainable rural development throughout the country by effectively implementing rural development programs within the framework of the principles and targets envisaged in national development plans and strategies, provides support under the IPARD program.
For TKDK (Agriculture and Rural Development Support Institution) supports (IPARD), click here.